The frontline warehouse for distribution to Mexico

This warehouse is utilzed as a logistics center where U.S./Mexico corss border transportation is taken place
and VMI* service delivers parts just in time to automobile plants in Mexico through our McAllen office in Texas.

*VMI・・Vender Managed Inventory. Inventory control systm by supplier.

Distribution base in Mexico

We have over 20 years of experience in distribution at the Mexican border. Many customers have utilized our warehouse as a base to support thier international transportation in recent years that automobile manufacturers and suppliers expand in Mexico. Also, we have a comprehensive distibution service to transport with Monterrey and Irapuato office in Mexico.

FTZ warehouse services

We store goods without paying taxes at our partner's FTZ* warehouse. We can reduce leadtime and stocks by storing goods as nonresidents' goods. 


①Container delivery of certain quantity of automobile parts from Asia to North America with our shipping arrangement by sea freight.
②Carries into FTZ warehouse and stores goods without paying taxes. We arrange delivery to a designated warehouse when we receive orders from Mexican customers.

After use)

  • ・Reduces costs by eliminating sporadic air freight from Asian countries and delivering in a short period of time.
  • ・Enables a high quality of distribution servic to take care of a large number of delivery requested form Mexcian customers.

*Foreign Trade Zone. While goods are in storage, they can be exempt from taxes.

Staff's Voice

In addition to the distribution service between the U.S. and Mexico, we have a strong support system for transpot to Mexico. Feel freel to ask us for delivery to Mexico.

Mexico Border VMI Warehouse

7801 S.Jackson Road, Pharr, TX 78577 U.S.A. C/O “K” LINE LOGISTICS (U.S.A.) INC.
PHONE +1 (956) 843-7665