Logistics hub for air and ocean freight to Tokyo metropolitan area

We take care of air and ocean transportation of various goods and management of inventory.
We satisfy the individual needs of each customer.


We offer efficient transportation service in a short time, taking advantage of its location between metropolitan area and the Narita International Airport. The expected role of this location is becomming higher due to the extention of the expressway.

Stable logistics operation

We provide supply chain logistics services that support customers' logistics outsourcing through accurate warehouse operations by flexible workability and standardization that can immediately respond to end-user needs.

Synergy effect of inventory control system

We manage inventory worldwide, utilizing the network of KLL Group.What makes our system popular is its shared inventory management with overseas warehouse by the database like the WING system, which makes product management easier to correspond to the real-time movement of the world.

Staff's Voice

We promise precise inventory control and prompt delivery. Utilize us for your new strategic logistics base.

Baraki Logistics Center

2526-34, Prologis-Park Funabashi-5, 2F, 3-6-1 Nishiura, Funabashi, Chiba, 273-0017, Japan
"K" LINE LOGISTICS, LTD. Baraki Logistics Center
PHONE +81(47)-724-8897