Complete inventory control with the cutting-edge system

Our IT logistics solution service “WING” has evolved with various logistics needs from the beginning
of the system development when we have held up the customer-first policy since then.

It is a coined word based on a concept that customers have access to the information with an internet access
anyware in the world. WING means “W”henever customer needs “I”ntelligence,
which is the information the customer wants, “N”etwork of KLL worldwide “G”uarantees to provide it.
We will utilize our know-how and provide a base system called “WING system”,
which is high in expandable property as well as utility.


  • ・The same information as a person in charge for a project obtains can be shared through the WEB at anytime.
  • ・By sharing purchase data, PO No., Serial No., and the number of items can be known on time when the item is just received in an overseas warehouse. Because you can check the delivery date of each item, you can handle a detailed inventory control.
  • ・It has a function to check payment of the purchased item which reduces payment jobs to each vendor and increases efficiency.
  • ・It reduces transportation cost by visualizing shipping schedule like delay that leads to reduction of urgent delivery by air freight.
  • ・You can download inventory informtioan as CSV format after the goods are received in the warehouse. It helps to understand your inventory situation.


  • ・It makes automation of the process on inputting stroage information by installing it in Excel and inputting ordering information into the WING system for import of aircraft parts from North America to Japan. If any mistakes are found on receiving, the item is automatically held to prevent a wrong shipment.
  • ・For import of aircraft parts goods from North America or Europe to Japan, we put a lable with a bar code on the goods received from the exporter at the overseas warehouse and control the inventory on the WING system. We have prevented wrong shipment by refecting the registered items in the system after checking the item information, preparing shipping process for the item registered in the system, and enclosing an invoice issed for the item.
  • ・The WING system enables sharing and visualizing the information of shipping preparation done by the shipper in Thailand and controling shipping schedule from departure, arrival, and to the customs, for import of frozen food from Thailand. This has prevented the risk of careless mistakes and led to efficiency to manage work process.
  • ・The system gathers logistics tasks and uniformizes informaiton by combining management of exporting goods from Japan and ocean and air cargo to overseas. This helps two staffs take care of logistics work in the warehouse at a time.

You can check cargo information anywhere

  • ・Enables to custamize to fit the needs.
  • ・Since it is a WEB based system, you can check receiving and stock status anywhere in the world with an internet access. Also, you can see cargo status because it allows to attach pictures.